Opening time: 01.01.2025 – 31.12.2025.


Camp ordinance

Dear Guests, to ensure a pleasant say for al the guest at the campsite Omišalj, we invite you to follow the house rules.

General house rules

  1. Only guests checked in at the reception can stay in the camp while minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. For every unregistered guest and all unregistered services, a fee of 200,00 € is payable for the damage caused to the campsite and danger caused to other guests. The failure to register one or more items shall be deemed sufficient reason for termination of stay.
  2. The reception reserves the right to refuse entry and to remove guests whose behaviour disturbs the peaceful and pleasant holidays of other guests.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to spike nails into trees or to damage them in any way, carrying pebbles off of the beach, fencing the spot you are in or any type of construction work in your spot. Not following these rules will prevent you from continuing your stay in the camp.
  4. Check in is from 12:00 for guests on the pitch, and from 17:00 for guests in mobile homes. Check out of guests from the pitch is to 12:00 and from mobile homes to 10:00. For checking-out after that time, we will be forced to charge you for one more day of stay, although you won't be able to use the accommodation unit.
  5. Guests are asked to always carry a camp registration form with them and to show it at request of employees of the camp.
  6. Persons who visit friends or families at the campsite must leave their vehicles on the entrance car park and must report to the campsite reception. Visitors are permitted for 2 hours from 08:00 to 21:00. If you stay in the camp for more than 2 hours, we will charge you a daily ticket according to the valid price list.
  7. Entrance with cars registered in the camp's system will be possible only from 07:00 to 23:00.
  8. Parking of personal vehicles for guests staying on the pitches is not allowed outside the accommodation units. Parking of personal vehicles for guests staying in mobile homes is provided in the common parking lot and parking personal vehicles in front of mobile homes is strictly prohibited.
  9. Setting up of the tent is permitted from 08:00 to 21:00.
  10. It is forbidden by law to light fires anywhere in the campsite, on the beach or any other areas. The area intended for barbecue is placed near the sanitary facilities and you can use it till 21:00. In the mobile home/parcel you are allowed to use only gas or electric grills.
  11. Please be considerate to others and do not make excessive noise that could bother other guests, including the use of radios, television sets and musical instruments; complete peace and quiet period in the camp is required from 23:00 until 07:00. A quiet afternoon period is in effect from 13:00 until 15:00 each day. Not following these rules will prevent you from continuing your stay in the camp.
  12. Maximum speed limit for the vehicles through the Camp is 20 km/h. Pedestrians in the camp have the right of way in respect to the vehicles.
  13. Guests should take care of the tidiness of the space they are using. Please collect your trash in plastic bags and place these in the waste containers. Please leave the sanitary blocks you use as you would wish to find them, as a courtesy to your fellow holidaymakers.
  14. Water is drinkable in all parts of the campsite. Water is valuable resource so please use it carefully.
  15. The inventory of the mobile home will be checked on the day of your departure. You will be held financially responsible for any established damage or loss.
  16. If you find forgotten/left items, please bring them immediately to the reception.
  17. For connecting to or disconnecting from the electricity supply lines, please refer to the camp reception desk. The control of the wiring is done by the responsible camp employee. Faulty wiring will be disconnected from the electricity supply network of the camp.
  18. You can deposit jewelry, money and other valuables at the reception with minimal fees.
  19. Management will not be held liable for theft, accidents or damage to property or persons, nor will be held liable for damage caused by thunderstorms, hail, falling trees, illness, including that of plants, epidemics, fire, natural disasters, etc.
  20. Calculation and payment of services used may be done at the date of departure or any other day till 20:30. However, we recommend you do it on the day prior to your departure in order to avoid unnecessary waiting.
  21. It is not allowed washing dishes or clothes in areas not foreseen for such purposes.
  22. Staying, gathering or spending the night on the beach after 23:00 o'clock is not allowed.
  23. It is not allowed to wash cars or other vehicles on camp grounds..
  24. Post arrives every day afternoon, except on Saturdays and Sundays, and may be picked up at reception.
  25. All complaints are received exclusively via our e-mail:
  26. Guests who do not follow these house rules and guest whose behavior disturbs silence and other guests, are going to be denied campsite accommodation services.

House rules for pets

  1. Pets which may disturb guests or endanger them are not permitted.
  2. Dog owners are required to register their pets at the reception desk with the vaccination card. Dog owners should walk their dogs on a leash and they should keep them tied in their space. Owners are required to clean up their pet's feces. Not abiding by this rule poses a threat to the health, safety and enjoyment of others on the camp and will lead to a fine according to the valid pricelist.
  3. It is not permitted walking dogs without leashes, taking them into the reception, sanitary block and stores.
  4. Dog are allowed to stay and bathe only on the beach provided for animals. Staying and bathing in other parts of the beach among other swimmers is strictly prohibited.
  5. Pets may only be showered in the showers intended for them. Showering pets in the showers intended for guests will be sanctioned.
  6. Pets may not disturb the peace and order of the campsite in any way. Dog owner is responsible for any damage caused by his dog.

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