Opening time: 01.01.2024 – 31.12.2024.

Terms of use

Access to the website of HADRIA d.o.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and any information contained therein is subject to the above terms and rules.

The entire content of the , and websites and their related domains is protected by copyright and other related rights in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia and may not as such be distributed or use for commercial purposes in any manner whatsoever without specific written consent of HADRIA. Published documents, data, photographs and information may only be used for users’ individual purposes, subject to compliance with copyrights and other related rights.

By accessing, viewing or using this website, you accept and submit to the Croatian substantive law as the exclusive law governing the interpretation, application and legal effects of these Terms of Use. Croatian courts will have the jurisdiction for any claims or disputes arising from or in connection with the use of this website.

Information published on this website is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of their entry. Please note that information published on this corporate website may not always be completely accurate, true and reliable. Published information should not be used as a basis for important decisions. HADRIA d.o.o. will not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage or cost incurred as a result of using or inability to use any information published on this website.

The Company may at any time update or alter any information on this website without prior notice.

The prices stated on the website are inclusive of VAT and other taxes, unless otherwise indicated on the website or in an e-mail and/or confirmation. Please carefully review the information about an accommodation unit and all details regarding our offers and prices before you reserve your accommodation.

It is prohibited to copy, reproduce or distribute the design, specific elements of pages, the logo design of HADRIA and/or Camp Straško and Camp Omišalj or Hotel Loža without specific written approval of Company.

These Terms of Use will remain in effect until terminated by you or by HADRIA d.o.o. Termination by you is possible at any time and it means that this website may no longer be used by you and that all materials and contents downloaded and used from the same web address are revoked.

Also please acknowledge our Privacy Policy and General Reservation Terms of HADRIA d.o.o.